Transmission Build Policy
- All transmission builds & rebuilds must be paid in full up front.
- Once you have placed an order for a rebuild you will have 60 days from the date of the purchase invoice for your transmission to be shipped to or dropped off at our facility. Failure to do so will result in the loss of your position in the build que. You, the customer will also be responsible for any unforeseen price increases that occur after this point. Transmissions received after the 60 day mark will be put at the end of the build que.
- If your rebuild requires additional hard parts that are not included in the initial rebuild they must be paid for in full before the parts will be ordered and your build will continue.
- Customers will have 45 days from the date of the invoice to pay for any additional parts, upgrade to a new transmission, or abandon the build and receive a partial refund. If no attempt has been made to do one of the following then the transmission will be forfeited to Tick Performance. Tick Performance will then sale, scrap, or use any useable parts to help satisfy the bill.