Level 2 Upgraded T56 Rebuild for 04-07 Cadillac CTS-V
Level 2 Upgraded T56 Rebuild for 04-07 Cadillac CTS-VLevel 2 Upgraded T56 Rebuild for 04-07 Cadillac CTS-VLevel 2 Upgraded T56 Rebuild for 04-07 Cadillac CTS-VLevel 2 Upgraded T56 Rebuild for 04-07 Cadillac CTS-VLevel 2 Upgraded T56 Rebuild for 04-07 Cadillac CTS-V

Level 2 Upgraded T56 Rebuild for 04-07 Cadillac CTS-V


Price: $3,049.99
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Turnaround Time is Typically 3-5 Weeks
Cadillac CTS-V 2004-2007
Special Pricing:
#TeamTick Discount


This complete price includes Parts (Listed Below), Labor AND Free Shipping on your T56 (both ways!)

Our Level Two Upgraded Rebuild includes the following:

  • Complete tear down, degrease & thorough inspection of entire transmission
  • Bronze 1-4 Fork Pads
  • Bronze 5-6 & Reverse Fork Pads
  • Bronze Shifter Cup Bushing
  • Billet 3-4 Synchronizer Keys (with upgraded springs)
  • New OEM 1-2, 5-6 & Reverse Keys & Springs
  • Carbon Fiber Synchronizer (blocker) Rings
  • New Front Seal
  • New Rear Seal
  • Cryogenic Treatment of All Transmission Internals
  • REM Polishing of All Necessary Transmission Internals
  • End-play set to our custom specifications
  • Professional Reassembly done 100% by hand
  • 90-Day Warranty 
  • 5 Qts of Fluid 

Option Guide: Do I need New Bearings?
Although they’re not included with our rebuild packages, we consider bearings a smart thing to do for everyone and a must do for those of you with more than 120,000 miles on the clock. If you’ve had any strange noises coming from your transmission, bearings are a wise investment. We use Timken and Koyo Bearings. This option adds no extra turnaround time.

Option Guide: Should I have the Bungs & Sprayers Installed?
It is seen time and time again in big horsepower cars that do standing mile or high speed pulls often, and road race or autocross applications; the input shaft bearing can become starved for fluid and fail, causing a chain reaction of damage inside the transmission.  With this option, we install and weld bungs and spray tubes inside your transmission that will direct transmission fluid onto your input shaft and third gear teeth that are prone to failure. This kit now includes our Hi-Flow Transmission Fluid Pump Kit. This kit will require some plumbing and electrical wiring. This option adds no extra turnaround time.

Option Guide: Should I have my transmission Painted or Powdercoated?
During any rebuild here at Tick Performance, all transmission cases are washed and degreased. Even after this treatment, many are stained, discolored and just don’t look as good as they did when new. Our media blast and paint service gives the transmission a much more professional, finished look. Available in Black Satin or Silver. This option adds no extra turnaround time.  You can also opt for our powdercoating service, which is much more durable than paint. Also available in Black Satin or Silver. This option adds 10-15 days to your turnaround time.

***UPDATED 08/09/2022*** Tick Performance warrants that each transmission sold by Tick Performance will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of 90 days after delivery of the transmission. Tick Performances sole obligation under this warranty shall be to repair or replace, at its option, the defective transmission at no charge to the customer. Under no circumstance will Tick Performance be liable for any oil, towing, labor, or rental vehicle charges. As a condition of this warranty the customer must return any allegedly defective product, freight prepaid to Tick Performance, accompanied by a packing slip indicating the shipper and a copy of the original invoice. This warranty does not apply to unsatisfactory product performance which is attributed in whole or in part, to any factor, condition, or circumstance other than defects in material or workmanship. Without limiting the foregoing, this warranty shall be null and void if repair or replacement is required because of improper installation, accident, physical or electrical stress, neglect, misuse, or any other cause other than the ordinary and intended use for which the product was designed, or if the product has been dismantled, altered, or repaired by the customer or by any third party. This warranty expressly does not cover loss or injury from the use of the product. By accepting and/or installing product, you are agreeing to the terms of the warranty. Parts damaged due to any reason other than defects in material or workmanship will be the sole responsibility of the customer. We are selling you an incomplete product. Life and performance of transmissions are dictated by quality of installation, associated components, and capability of the driver/operator. It is the potential installer and/or assembler’s responsibility to determine whether he or she has the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to properly and safely install the Tick Performance built transmission described herein. Improper installation may cause the vehicle to function improperly or not to function. Improper assembly and/or installation may additionally cause a risk to personal safety or property. If the assembler and/or installer is confused or has questions or concerns about a particular assembly or installation, he or she should contact Tick Performance before proceeding further. The information contained in these instructions does not constitute a warranty or guarantee of any kind. An assembler’s and/or installer’s failure to correctly follow these guidelines constitutes a waiver of the assembler and/or installer’s rights against Tick Performance regarding any subsequent damages to property or personal injury caused by the assembler’s and/or installer’s improper assembly and/or installation. Tick Performance is not responsible for any vehicle damage resulting from improper installation or transmission failure. It is the customer and/or installers responsibility to install proper safety equipment into the vehicle upon installation of transmission or components. If you feel the need to act upon this warranty, you must contact Tick Performance at the first sign of an issue via phone and email. If contact is not made when the issue arises, and normal operation of the vehicle continues the warranty will be void.

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