Our DIY Head Fixture tool does even more now, with the introduction of our LT/LS Swap Tool. This additional cutter tool allows you to swap heads and blocks between a Gen-V LT and Gen-III/Gen-IV LS engines. If you have an LS engine and want Gen-V LT-style heads or vice versa, this tool allows that. If you have a Gen-V LT vehicle but want all the tunability and performance of an LS top end, this tool will allow you to run LS-style heads on your LT short block.
This tool is custom-made by our specifications and manufactured by an American-made tool company we trust. Like the rest of the kit, you can use the tool with a standard-style drill. It features a unique indication line for locating the stop collar. This drill opens up pre-existing holes for precise dowels, which are different between the two engines.
Simply use the tool to precisely drill for at least two new dowel holes, which center the heads on the new block. Otherwise, head bolts and water jackets line up between the two engines. LS engines feature dowels on the lower outer on the block and LT on the upper outer holes. The operation can be performed on the heads or block, and generally should be on the outward locations.
PLEASE NOTE: This tool is only one piece of the puzzle when swapping between LT and LS. The LT uses a cam-driven fuel pump and a unique camshaft. We are working with Cam Motion to develop custom cams for these applications. Also, LT pistons feature a design unique for direct-injected engines, and factory LS heads will have piston-to-valve clearance issues. In most cases, it may require pistons that match the heads (LS pistons for LS heads and LT pistons for LT heads). Must be used in conjunction with our Head Bolt Drill Fixture for Gen 3 & 4 GM LS-Series Blocks.