Camber Bolts - 15mm

Price: $19.76
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Description Pedders newly designed camber correction bolts are perfect for wheel alignment correction and enhancing camber for road applications.Kit contains 2 Camber Correction Bolts.Pedders high tensile camber bolts, are designed to provide up to +/-1.5 degrees camber adjustment using a special eccentric lobe in the center of the bolt, this lobe pushes the lower strut mount off the hub and therefore changes camber specifications. These bolts replace the existing upper strut bolt. Features & Benefits High Grade Steel Used Camber Correction   Applications 1991 Toyota  MR2 Base 1992 Toyota  MR2 Base 1993 Toyota  MR2 Base 1994 Toyota  MR2 Base 1995 Toyota  MR2 Base 1991 Toyota  MR2 Turbo 1992 Toyota  MR2 Turbo 1993 Toyota  MR2 Turbo 1994 Toyota  MR2 Turbo 1995 Toyota  MR2 Turbo Tech/Specs Universal 15mm Camber Bolt

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