1,800hp+ Intercooler Dual Feed/Dual Exit Completion Kit
1,800hp+ Intercooler Dual Feed/Dual Exit Completion Kit1,800hp+ Intercooler Dual Feed/Dual Exit Completion Kit1,800hp+ Intercooler Dual Feed/Dual Exit Completion Kit1,800hp+ Intercooler Dual Feed/Dual Exit Completion Kit

1,800hp+ Intercooler Dual Feed/Dual Exit Completion Kit

Tick Performance

Price: $364.81
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The Tick Performance Intercooler Completion kit is designed to get you started with installing and properly operating your billet air-to-water intercooler. These kits are built to work with either our 1,800hp intercooler for Holley intakes or the 1,900hp intercooler for Texas Speed intakes. This dual inlet/dual exit maximizes the water flow through the intercooler by splitting it with a Y distribution block and circulating the water through all four openings in the intercooler. This kit allows for an even distribution of the water flow which will maximize your intercoolers potential. We also offer a single feed/single exit for better plumbing options and less lines. 

These kits include the necessary fittings for the size we recommend, as well as the appropriate Davies Craig water pump.

Our completion kits include the fittings and pumps we recommend. it does not include the lines, hose ends, and tank, as those will likely change depending on your application. Our intent is to get you going in the right direction and simplify the installation. 


  • Intercooler Pumps - 40gpm Davies Craig Electric Water Pumps DC-8165 Part # TPDC-8165 (x1)

  • TP495119 Adapter -16 ORB Male to -16 AN Male Black (x6)

  • TP1616 Y-Block -16AN Male to 2x -16AN Male Black (x2)



The included fittings are straight, however, to help route your lines on the intercooler in a more eye pleasing direction, you can upgrade to the 90-degree swivel fittings. These direct the lines in and out of the intercooler at 90-degrees, so you can plumb them parallel to the intercooler. 


Not Included

  • Lines, Hose Ends, and Tank 


While we carry an array of lines and hose ends, every application differs. So, we've left that open to avoid selling you wrong or unnecessary components. We recommend any lines the can stand a minimum of 350-degrees Fahrenheit. The pumps should be mounted close to your ice tank. Also, the feed line into the intercooler should be at the front of the intercooler, and the exit at the back. Therefore, the water flow isn't fighting against the force of your car accelerating. 


Tick Performance recommends the 1,400hp intercooler be used with a 3-5 gallon ice tank, and any larger intercooler (1,800hp and 1,900hp intercoolers) use a 4-7 gallon ice tank. The system can be operated with only an ice tank that runs ice and water/coolant through the system. However, for street driving, you may add a heat exchanger to the system to help maintain more constant temperatures for longer use. 


Mounting Bracket Kit

We are now including the option of a clock-able mounting bracket with hardware and an optional 90 degree tab that gives you the flexibility to mount or welded on your pump exactly where you need it!

Forced induction setups can vary wildly in terms of application. This is a starting point that allows you to get going, but if you want something more unique to your custom setup, call one of our consultants at 336.719.0599 ext. 1 

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