PCMforless Brake Duct Transmission Cooler Auxiliary Fan Kit for GM Trailblazer SS
PCMforless Brake Duct Transmission Cooler Auxiliary Fan Kit for GM Trailblazer SS

PCMforless Brake Duct Transmission Cooler Auxiliary Fan Kit for GM Trailblazer SS

PCM of NC, Inc.

Price: $260.99
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A nice addition to the PCMforless brake duct transcooler kit, this auxiliary fan kit takes cooling a step further. Great for extreme climates and heavy towing, this kit is a plug & play install with only a very minor trim to the fuse box needed. This kit only works with the brake duct mounted transmission cooler kits, all hose types. This kit is offered two ways, with a thermostatically controlled switch to keep the transmission 170 degrees or less or just the fans & brackets with no wiring.

Note: Pusher fan is mounted with a gasket to cooler for extremely efficient operation.

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